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Ex Muslim Testimony File 1/6 :…
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Read Holy Bible or Listen Audio Bible in your language , select from approximate 1300 languages around the world (Urdu , Arabic , Bahasa Indonesia , Malay , Hindi , Bangla and many )…Free Download of Audio Bible in your language . Audio Bible : select your language :::… Bible Reading & listen audio in your language ::… Download Holy Bible Mobile app :::
Let us see what happened in the 6th century. Before Islam & mohammed , where was this so called quranic allah? When pagan qureshi tribe of mohammed, migrated to Mecca from Yemen , the chief pagan deity’s name was “Allah” the moon god Lah (al + lah). Kaaba and Hajj was there before Islam & mohammed. that is not a new thing . but continuation from pagan idol worship to little revised pagan idol worship.
One more important question for you. Why mohammed’s revelation stopped after the death of Warqah ibn Naufal cousin of Khadija & Ex priest of nazara christian cult ? Why mohammed became suicidal & try to kill himself by roll down from the mountain top?? Please find the answers by yourself. very simple google your questions. If you want to remain as a muslim then please do not investigate and find that answers…ok. What about your after life status ? Are you sure of your salvation? Are you ready to enter that 72 virgin muslim paradise?? Do you muslims really believe that it is a real place?? Any way that is Fake & deception of your quranic allah. Seems whole Islam is revolving around that 72 virgins , 24/7 erection & 100 men power as mentioned in your holy books !!! This offer itself proves that , mohammed really believed that his followers(Muslims) are the most dump , stupid & brainless human beings in this earth. Funny & embarrassing stories. Also listen , the last book in the Bible is called “The Book of Revelation”. This is the book of Prophesy , clearly mentioned about a false prophet to come and preach about a different Jesus. Exactly that prophesy come true after 600 years . Prophet mohammed came and told about a muslim Issa a different Jesus who escaped from the cross. Yea this muslim issa is not the Jesus of Bible. Encourage you muslims to grab a Bible and know about real Living Jesus right now and accept the Grace of Salvation. Jesus said I am the Way the Truth and the Life. What else you want? That’s the complete eternal life or after life. There is no sex and marriage in the spiritual heaven of Jesus Christ. Dear Muslims , please evaluate yourself after your sincere research & take a decision. You can’t deny this good news which you heard . Today is the day of Salvation. Thank you , God Bless You.
Lord please shower your compassion, mercy and your grace of Salvation , upon this misguided , brain washed & neglected human beings here in the Muslim world. Again i wish to remind you my Muslim believers that there is no SEX and marriage in the spiritual heaven of Jesus Christ. Please note , I am ready to provide you all that evidence & references from your holy books here in the comment section upon your request. Please ask sincere questions from your heart , sure i will answer. God Bless Muslims . In Jesus Name. Amen.